Bun Bu Ryo Do - The USQ Martial Arts Club

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New Club conditioning classes

Just to let everyone know that we are intending to restart Punchfit this Friday on Campus. Sean Crust, who is an experienced boxing coach, will be joining Michael Baczynski in providing some well grounded pad work for fitness and development of boxing speed and power. Please let Michael know if you intend to come so that we can provide sufficient gear for everyone. We will be meeting at 12.15 pm at the front of the CBRC and starting 12.30 sharp.

Also, if you are wanting something a little different, Lauren Ole is very kindly coordinating a session on Tuesdays 11 am at Milne Bay Aquatic Centre. The work will primarily come out of drills from synchronised swimming, the physical skills from which are directly applicable to all of the Club's disciplines (and is wonderful fun to boot). Would be great to see you there! (The picture attached is an approximation of what Michael looked like at last week's session :) )