Bun Bu Ryo Do - The USQ Martial Arts Club

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And back to a regular week

It feels a little odd mentally getting back to things after two long weekends in a row. However, we are back to "regular" programming this week with Kendo on from 4 pm today at the CBRC, both PunchFit and Fire and Flow arts tonight in the MEAC, and more preparation for upcoming gradings. 

The Jujutsu 5th Kyu requirements will be reposted in the BBRD Group page this evening. If you require a copy sent directly to you, please e-mail Michael. Remember too that you will have to e-mail Michael with a formal request to grade and have your grading application fee put into the Club's account by Saturday 21 May. 

We will start to look more specifically at grading requirements for Kendo and Iaido this week, having received some excellent advice from Isaacs Sensei and Johnson Sensei, respectively, for those disciplines. 

Finally, we will be starting to look for accommodation options for the QKR seminar in July. Please let Michael, Sian or Tracy know this week if you would like to come and stay so that we can get a few options together. Given it is the last weekend of school holidays, we will need to move reasonable quickly on securing something at a reasonable price.

I'll look forward to seeing many of you at the dojo this week!