Bun Bu Ryo Do - The USQ Martial Arts Club

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QKR Seminar and grading this weekend (6 and 7 December)

The last major event for the Queensland Kendo community's calendar year is on this weekend with the annual QKR seminar and grading opportunity taking place on Saturday and Sunday.

There is a strong contingent going down from Toowoomba this year, with members from both the PCYC and BBRD dojo attempting gradings in Kendo and Seitei Iaido.

For those needing a lift, could you please confirm with Michael before Wednesday which days you might require it. At present count, there are eight (possibly ten) participating this weekend, so we will be taking two cars.  The plan will be to gather at and leave from Michael's place at 6.30 am (sharp), stop in Plainlands for some breakfast, and be at Collingwood Park for 8.30 am. The day will finish before 4 pm.

Some tips to prepare for the weekend:

  • Make sure that all of your equipment is in excellent order: Hakama ironed, tsuru on the shinai appropriately tensioned (and the bamboo slats in good condition), bogu clean and in good repair. Not only is it a safety issue, but your own presentation is critical when attempting gradings. If you have any questions, please ask Michael earlier rather than later this week!
  • Have sufficient hydration. The temperature for the weekend is predicted to be 29-30 C but stormy, so it will be humid. Some type of straw for sipping through the mengane will be very useful to you (I will organise some water for everyone to have access to).
  • Think about what you will do for lunch. The Sports Centre has a canteen but the options are a limited. Redbank Plaza is nearby and has a food court, but you need to factor in time to get there and back in the limited lunch break.
  • Come to "last chance" training on Wednesday at the CBRC, where we will be going through grading preparation. We may also have a session at Highfields on Thursday morning, but that will be confirmed later this week.
  • For those for whom this is your first QKR seminar, remember to enjoy yourself, listen to what the senior sensei have to say and take the opportunity to get to know the wider Queensland kendo and Seitei Iaido community. Manners and politeness as always ... your bearing is being evaluated from the moment you arrive on Saturday morning.