Bun Bu Ryo Do - The USQ Martial Arts Club

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Happy New Year and welcome back to training

 明けましておめでとうございます!Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu! trans. "Congratulations on the dawning (of the new year)."

I hope that everyone in the extended BBRD community has had both a recharging and enjoyable time over the past few weeks, and that everyone is ready to engage with the year ahead with energy, joy and good humour.  

While I am sure some have already indulged in hatsu geiko, or their first training session of the new year, the official Keiko Hajime for the Club will be Tuesday evening starting at 6 pm sharp. Prior to the start of training we will have a general dojo clean up, including mopping down the tatami. I will be there from 3.30 pm and invite all who are available to come and ensure that the keiko-jo, store room and toilets are in a suitable state to formally begin our year. 

Could those who intend to be there for the evening please make sure that you let me know you will be attending. As with previous years, we will have some light refreshments at the end of the training session, so ideas on numbers will be important.  

The evening will be scheduled in a similar fashion to previous years, with a spread of activities representing the disciplines and activities supported by the Club, and I am looking forward to seeing as many of you there as possible participating.

2017 looks to be a period of considerable opportunity for the Club, and I am looking forward to building of the solid foundations laid down over the past twelve months. University Games is on the Gold Coast again this year, there are many upcoming opportunities to train with senior sensei and test our progress, and chances to share our passions with the wider community. 

However, as always, it is important to remember that the strength of any organisation is rooted in the people who comprise it. And I have been enormously proud to be associated with everyone here— active members, supporters, friends, visiting sensei. All our lives would be poorer for the absence of anyone in that  community.