Bun Bu Ryo Do - The USQ Martial Arts Club

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Updates and availability of Club policies

The "boring", but vital, framework documents that outline acceptable behaviour for Club members is currently being revised and made available online.

These are very important statements of your obligations and rights as Members and especially when you train. In particular you need to take note of the General Code of Conduct, which has links to the University Harassment Policy and Procedures that we are governed by.

The Club only exists as the collective experience of its members. We strive for as supportive, inclusive and harmonious environment as we can create. However, from time to time, conflict will flare up. These policies are designed to ensure that there is clarity regarding the expectations we should all have of ourselves and our fellow members.

Please remember that if you have a concern, you can contact either Sian or Michael in their respective roles as an Harassment Contact Officer of the University (and for the Club) and as President of the Club. Your concern will be treated confidentially, expediently and thoroughly so that we can quickly resolve any issues.

The Club's preference is for mediation/remediation (as is the University's). However, under the USQ policy there are a range of staged responses that can be taken. Just as good fences make good neighbours, clear policies appropriately applied make for happy members!