New year of training kicks off tomorrow (3 January)!

Just a reminder that tomorrow from 6 pm we will have our customary kick off to the training year. As always, the precise order of events will vary depending on who is there (both in terms of instructors and participants). However, the broad brush strokes will be:

  • 6 pm dojo doors open for set up

  • Opening address and reiho

  • Demonstrations or mini-sessions of the disciplines represented of around 15-20 mins each (most likely Japanese sword arts from 7:15)

  • Light supper from 8:30 pm

I will hit up the various chat channels today to pin down numbers so that we can cater appropriately. Could I ask hat everyone please bring their own drinking vessel for tea so that we don’t need to cart too many to the dojo and back.

It will be wonderful to see a solid turn out tomorrow, and I’ll hope to see many of you there!